our services
How we can help you
Mine Water Studies
Mine water management is a primary component of our technical expertise
Geochemistry and Contaminated Land
Environmental geochemical characterisation is the backbone of RGS core services.
Mine Waste Management
RGS can help with the management of your mine waste materials
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
RGS has qualified soil scientists which can contribute to your rehabilitation and Closure requirements
Predictive Numerical Modelling
RGS has the technical expertise to undertake predictive water balance and water quality modelling of mine waste facilities and pit lakes
Mine Closure
RGS contributes to planning for Closure by integrating our knowledge of soil, regolith and rock geochemical and physical processes with environmental outcomes.
About us
RGS specialises in mine waste geochemistry and water management
RGS Environmental is an owner-operated, leading, environmental consulting company that has been operating successfully for over 12 years. We provide our clients with timely and cost-effective solutions to complex environmental management issues. RGS has completed over 500 projects in Australia, China, SE Asia, Micronesia, South Pacific, South America and Africa.

We take pride in being flexible, practical and innovative
Our personnel have a wealth of experience in providing our mining clients with timely and cost-effective solutions to complex environmental management issues from exploration through the planning, operational and closure phases of small to large scale mining projects. We can provide a comprehensive project team or can readily team up with other specialised consulting firms.
About Us03
case studies
RGS new or recently completed projects
RGS has gained an international reputation as a leading provider of environmental management services to the mining and mineral processing industries. We are committed to delivering on time and within budget; technical excellence; consistent quality; and, continual improvement of our service delivery and skills.
Confidential Pit Lake Modelling
Mine Closure
Mine Water Studies
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
RGS has completed several final void/ pit lake water balance and water quality models to support Closure options assessments for a confidential gold miner in Central Queensland.

Mauls Creek Pit Lake Modelling
Mine Closure
Mine Water Studies
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
RGS was engaged by Whitehaven Coal Limited to complete several geochemical assessments and develop a final void water balance and water quality model for the final void at Maules Creek Coal Mine .

Hazelwood Pit Lake Modelling
Mine Closure
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
RGS is engaged to develop a final void/ pit lake water balance and water quality model (tool) to assess several Closure options for the Hazelwood Coal Mine in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. As part of the Project, RGS has initiated and managed several hydro-geochemical investigations to support the modelling and Closure options.

Mount Isa Mines Rehabilitation Material Sampling and Analysis Plan
Mine Closure
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
RGS was engaged by Glencore’s Mount Isa Mines Limited to develop and undertake a Rehabilitation Material Sampling and Analysis Program (RMSaAP) to identify and quantify potential materials that can be used to rehabilitate the large tailings storage facility (TSF) with an earthen cover system sourced from adjoining hills.
business partners