Waste rock dump – design validation
Geochemistry and Contaminated Land
Mine Closure
Mine Waste Management
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
Mine Materials Assessment – St Elmo Vanadium Project
Geochemistry and Contaminated Land
Mine Waste Management
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
Multicom Resources is developing the St Elmo Vanadium project in Queensland. RGS was engaged by Epic Environmental to develop a geochemical and physical sampling and analytical program (GaPSaAP ) to quantify the soil fertility, geochemical and physical properties of the materials from the topsoil to deepest mined surface. The work by RGS led to approval of the SEIS submission.

Mount Isa Mines Rehabilitation Material Sampling and Analysis Plan
Mine Closure
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
RGS was engaged by Glencore’s Mount Isa Mines Limited to develop and undertake a Rehabilitation Material Sampling and Analysis Program (RMSaAP) to identify and quantify potential materials that can be used to rehabilitate the large tailings storage facility (TSF) with an earthen cover system sourced from adjoining hills.

Reactive Transport Geochemical Modelling
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
RGS was engaged by WSP to construct a 2-D reactive transport hydrogeochemical model to undertake a preliminary compatibility assessment associated with the re-injection of treated water into the receiving aquifer.

Oaky Creek Geochemistry Assessments
Geochemistry and Contaminated Land
Mine Waste Management
RGS was involved in several geochemical characterisation projects of coal reject and tailings materials to support mine waste management and Closure at Glencore’s Oaky Creek Coal Mine, in Central Queensland. One project involved sampling tailings from a backfilled void using an airboat.

Hazelwood Pit Lake Modelling
Mine Closure
Predictive and Numerical Modelling
Soil Science and Rehabilitation
RGS is engaged to develop a final void/ pit lake water balance and water quality model (tool) to assess several Closure options for the Hazelwood Coal Mine in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. As part of the Project, RGS has initiated and managed several hydro-geochemical investigations to support the modelling and Closure options.